For Siblings Who Have Lost a Sibling to Substance Use Disorder or Overdose
As a sibling, we shared a bond forged by our childhoods as well as the ramifications of addiction. The loss of a sibling who suffered from the disease of addiction forever alters our place in our families and the world at large.
LITT is a place to reconcile the anguish, confusion, and pain of our new normal.
What to Expect From Our Grief Group
After speaking with a leader from our team, members are placed in a group to meet monthly by Zoom. The intention behind these meetings is to discuss our grief, the way it has changed our family, and how we move forward in our own lives.
Group leaders are also available for one-on-one confidential conversations and support.

There is no fee to join any of our group. LITT highly respects the privacy and confidentiality of our grief group members. Your information will never be shared outside of the organization
Meet Our Grief Group Leader
SJ Is our sibling grief group leader. SJ lost her older brother Scott in September of 2022 to fentanyl poisoning; he was 41 years old. Scott had struggled with substances for almost three decades before his passing. After losing Scott, she and her family waited three months to learn that indeed drugs laced with fentanyl had caused his death. SJ immediately understood she needed support outside of her grieving family.
LITT was a place where she could talk with others who had experienced a similar loss, where she could share without worrying about triggering her family, and where the group members all understood her pain.
Through the sibling grief support group SJ found purpose in connecting with others and supporting the weight of grief for her fellow members. SJ believes that the goal is not to move on from your grief but to move forward with it.

Join Our Sibling Grief Group
LITT respects the privacy and confidentiality of its support group members. For this reason, we prefer to touch base with those considering attending prior to joining on of our groups.
Please fill out the form below with you contact information and your preferred method and time of day to reach you.