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"A powerful story was recently brought to the attention of the Anne Arundel County Prevention Coalitions."
"A powerful story was recently brought to the attention of the Anne Arundel County Prevention Coalitions. It is a story about love, pain, and isolation. The women who created the nonprofit Love In The Trenches, did so to change that story. Those who suffer – and who love those who suffer- from the disease of addiction need to know that they are not alone. This is what Denise Williams, Outreach Coordinator for Northern Lights Against Substance Abuse had to say:
The article was heartbreaking to read. It touched me personally since I too lost not only one child but two children to this God awful disease.
There were two things that really resonated with me that I had not thought deeply on before. The first was how we “love” them through it all. Our love for them and who they are beneath the addiction is far greater than any disease. Our desperate need to share their true story, not just their story of addiction."
Read the entire article here:
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